
Please refer to our nutritional matrix for all doughnut allergen information including which doughnuts contain nuts.​

Adults need around 2000kcal a day​.

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  1. Pack Size 6 Remove This Item
  1. Chocolatey Birthday 6 Pack Chocolatey Birthday 6 Pack

    Chocolatey Birthday 6 Pack

    Luxurious Chocolatey Birthday 6 Pack.

    956 Kcal, 6 servings


    Delivery Collection
    Join the Krispy Kreme Rewards programme and earn smiles that you can use to get free doughnuts
    Earn 170 smiles
  2. Vegan Say It With 6 Pack Vegan Say It With 6 Pack

    Vegan Say It With 6 Pack

    6 personalised Original Glazed™ Birthday doughnuts, certified by the Vegan Society.

    Delivery Collection
    Join the Krispy Kreme Rewards programme and earn smiles that you can use to get free doughnuts
    Earn 140 smiles
  3. Say It With Krispy Kreme 6 Pack Say It With Krispy Kreme 6 Pack

    Say It With Krispy Kreme 6 Pack

    Your own personalised message on Includes:

    1170 Kcal, 6 servings


    Delivery Collection
    Join the Krispy Kreme Rewards programme and earn smiles that you can use to get free doughnuts
    Earn 140 smiles